Wednesday 19:30-21:00 and Saturday 19:00-20:30 at Club Alemán Andino, Arrayán 2735, Providencia (Tobalaba metro station).


Monthly price per couple for 4 classes: $60,000 pesos (for months with 5 monthly classes the price is $75,000 pesos).

Contact: +56961443770 (Elena Karmínia). 

Are you looking for a place to learn to dance tango in Santiago? Join our tango course, suitable for beginners, intermediates and advanced students. We personalize our teaching in group classes to the maximum; we assign individual tasks to each couple, so that everyone can learn what they need according to their level of dance and knowledge and advance at their own pace without having to adjust to the pace of others.

We take into account the characteristics and abilities of each student to teach in the most suitable way for each particular person, in this way we achieve great results with students of all ages and physical abilities. 

The only requirement for our group classes is attendance in pairs; no previous knowledge or special clothing or footwear is needed.